I Started A Joke Piano Sheet Music
I Started A Joke
Compositor de música: Bee Gees
Música instrumental
Gênero musical:
Piano solo ,
Easy Listening
Com a sugestão de digitação
ISRC: CA2OG1010894
Álbum de música: Piano Sheet Music
Faixa: 776
Comprimento de canção: 3:29
Partituras: 3 Página (s)
I Started A Joke / Outros Sites
I Started A Joke / Outras Performances
I Started A Joke Golden Memories 2
I Started A Joke
Compositor de música: Bee Gees
Música instrumental
Gênero musical:
Piano solo ,
Easy Listening
ISRC: CA2OG1010894
Álbum de música: Golden Memories 2
Faixa: 13
Comprimento de canção: 3:29
Partituras: 3 Página (s)
I Started A Joke / Outros Sites
I Started A Joke / Outras Performances
I Started A Joke Easy Piano
I Started A Joke
Compositor de música: Bee Gees
Música instrumental
Gênero musical:
Piano solo ,
Easy Listening
Com a sugestão de digitação
Álbum de música: Easy Piano
Faixa: 76
Comprimento de canção: 3:19
Partituras: 3 Página (s)
I Started A Joke / Outros Sites
I Started A Joke / Outras Performances
I Started a Joke
Bee Gees
Composta por: Bee Gees
I started a joke
Which started the whole world crying
But I didn't see
That the joke was on me, oh no
I started to cry
Which started the whole world laughing
Oh, if I'd only seen
That the joke was on me
I looked at the skies
Running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed
Hurting my head from things that I'd said
Till I finally died
Which started the whole world living
Oh, if I'd only seen
That the joke was on me
I looked at the skies
Running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed
Hurting my head from things that I'd said
Till I finally died
Which started the whole world living
Oh, if I'd only seen, oh yeah
That the joke was on me, oh no
That the joke was on me, ohh