Andy Williams - լիրիկա, ወረቀት ሙዚቃ, Chords

2008-11-28 22:39:44

2012-02-28 06:30:27

Love Story

Buy Song $0.99

Level - Intermediate
With Fingering
Buy Sheet Music $3.99

2010-11-21 21:31:28

Romeo and Juliet

Buy Song $0.99

Level - Intermediate
With Fingering
Buy Sheet Music $3.99

2010-11-04 03:08:38

2010-11-04 03:08:44

ግጥሞች በ Andy Williams

A time for us, some day there'll be
When chains are torn by courage born of a love that's free
Where do I begin to tell the story
Of how great a love can be